With funding from the Injury and Violence Prevention Branch of the NC Division of Public Health, a new report is available from the Carolina Center for Health Informatics in the Department of Emergency Medicine at UNC Chapel HIll:
Harmon KJ, Waller AE, Harduar Morano L, Ising A. A Report on Violent Injuries Treated in Emergency Departments: 2012-2015. Chapel Hill: NC. Carolina Center for Health Informatics, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017.
This report uses ED visit data from NC DETECT to describe violent injuries treated in NC EDs. For the purposes of this report, violent injuries include self-inflicted injuries (i.e. self-harm), injuries due to assault, injuries due to legal intervention (i.e. injuries caused by legal authorities during law enforcement activities), and unintentional firearm-related injuries. This report also briefly describes injuries of an undetermined intent. ED visits for injuries of an undetermined intent are not included in the total number of violence-related NC ED visits presented in this report.
The objectives of this report are to: 1) present descriptive statistics of violent injury-related ED visits in North Carolina, and 2) introduce the reader to the type of information NC DETECT collects and NC DETECT’s value as a system for injury surveillance.
Please contact us at ncdetect@listserv.med.unc.edu with any questions.