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The tables below list data elements available in NC DETECT line listing reports for each data source.

Emergency Department Data

Inclusion Criteria: Patients treated in the participant ED regardless of their disposition and patients triaged who then leave AMA or without being seen. Also patients treated in the ED and then admitted to the hospital are included.  Exclusion Criteria: Patients triaged away to a clinic or directly admitted to an inpatient unit.

Patient AgeAvailable in years
SexM (Male), F (Female), U (Unknown)
Patient CityPatient’s city of residence
Patient CountyPatient’s county of residence
Patient ZIPPatient's ZIP of residence (5-digit)
Patient StatePatient’s state of residence
Visit IDNC DETECT-generated identifier that uniquely identifies that ED visit
HospitalEmergency department facility where patient sought care
Insurance Coverage (or Other Expected Source of Payment)Entity or person expected to be responsible for patient’s bill for this ED visit (private insurance, self-pay, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.)
Arrival Date and TimeFirst date and time documented in patient’s record for this ED visit
Transport ModePatient’s mode of transport to ED (walk-in, ground ambulance, etc.)
Chief ComplaintPatient’s reason for seeking care or attention, expressed in terms as close as possible to those used by patient or responsible informant
Triage NotesSupporting information for Chief Complaint documented by the triage nurse
Blood PressureInitial blood pressure taken at triage
Initial TemperatureInitial temperature taken at triage (in Celsius)
DispositionPatient’s anticipated location or status following ED visit (discharged, admitted, transferred, died, etc.)
Disposition Diagnosis DescriptionPractitioner’s description of condition or problem for which services were provided during patient’s ED visit, recorded at time of disposition
ICD-9-CM Code(s)
ICD-10-CM Code(s)
ICD-9-CM Final Diagnosis or Injury Codes (2009 - September 30, 2015)
ICD-10-CM Final Diagnosis or Injury Codes (October 1, 2015 - Present)
Patient RaceAmerican Indian, Asian, Black or African American, Pacific Islander, Other
Patient EthnicityHispanic Origin; Not of Hispanic Origin

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EMS Data Elements Received 2018 – Present: NEMSIS V.3

(EMS Data Source in NC DETECT)

Most EMS agencies are now documenting EMS encounters using the NEMSIS V.3 data standard and transmitting these data to the NC state data repository now managed by ESO. NC DETECT receives a subset of these data daily and the data elements available in the NC DETECT line listing reports are shown below.

Data ElementDescription
Agency NameEMS Agency name
Chief ComplaintFree-text narrative of the patient's chief complaint
DestinationDestination of patient transport (if transported)
Dispatch ComplaintComplaint reported at dispatch (pick list)
DispositionDisposition after EMS encounter (Patient treated, transported by this EMS Unit; Patient Evaluated, No Treatment/Transport Required, etc.)
EMS CountyCounty location of EMS Agency
EMS IDUnique identifier for the EMS encounter
Incident CityCity of incident location
Incident Location TypeStandardized field based on ICD-10-CM place of occurrence codes (residence, nursing home, trade and service area, etc.)
Incident ZipZIP of incident location
Mass CasualtyYes, No, Not Recorded, Not Applicable
Meds AdministeredMedications administered by the EMS agency
NarrativeFree-text narrative of the EMS encounter
Patient AgePatient's age
Patient Destination Date and TimeDate and time patient arrived at destination (if applicable)
Patient GenderPatient's gender
Patient ZipPatient's ZIP of residence
Patients At SceneNumber of patients at scene
Primary ImpressionICD-10-CM Coded Diagnosis
RacePatient's Race
Second ComplaintFree-text narrative of the patient's secondary complaint (if applicable)
Secondary ImpressionICD-10-CM Coded Diagnosis
SymptomsICD-10-CM Coded Diagnosis
Unit Notification Date TimeDate and time unit notified by dispatch

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EMS Data Elements Received from 2009 – 2018: NEMSIS V.2

(PreMIS Data Source in NC DETECT)

Data Element Description / Notes
Agency countyEMS Agency county
Agency nameEMS Agency name
Anatomic locationPick list: Abdomen, Back, Chest, Extremity-Lower, Extremity-Upper, General/Global, Genitalia, Head, Neck
Chief complaintFree-text narrative of the patient's chief complaint, as close as possible
Destination Name
Destination Type
Dispatch complaintAbdominal Pain, Allergic Reaction, Animal Bites, Assault, Back Pain, Breathing Problems, Burns, Carbon Monoxide/Inhalation, Cardiac/Respiratory Arrest, Chest Pain, Choking, Convulsions/Seizure, Diabetic Problem, DOA, Drowning, Electrocution, Eye Problem, FALLS/Back Injury, FIRE, HAZARDOUS MATERIAL, Headache, Heart Problems, Heat/Cold Exposure, Hemorrhage/Laceration, Industrial/Machinery Accidents, Ingestion/Poisoning, LIFE LINE, OVERDOSE/POISONING, Pregnancy/Childbirth, PSYCHIATRIC/SUICIDE, SEIZURES, Sick Person, Stab/Gunshot Wound, STANDBY/SPECIAL EVENT, STROKE, SUBSTANCE ABUSE, Traffic Accident, TRANSPORT, Traumatic Injuries, Unconscious, Unknown Problem/Man Down, Transfer/Interfacility/Palliative Care, MCI
Incident address
Incident city
Incident DispositionTreated, Refused, Dead. EMS calls with an incident disposition of Cancelled, No Treatment Required, or No Patient Found are not sent to NC DETECT.
Incident Facility Code
Incident Location Type
Incident state
Incident zip code
Mass casualtyYes/No
Medications Administeredfree text
Patient address city
Patient address state
Patient address zip code
Patient age
Patient age unit (Years, Months, Days, Hours)
Patient birth date
Patient Destination date and time
Patient gender
Patients at scenesingle or multiple
Primary symptom namePick list: Bleeding, Breathing Problems, Change in Responsiveness, Choking, Death, Device/Equipment Problem, Diarrhea, Drainage/Discharge, Fever, HEADACHE, Malaise, Mass/Lesion, Mental/Psych, MENTAL STATUS CHANGE, Nausea/Vomiting, NONE DETECTED, Pain, Palpitations, Rash/Itching, Swelling, Transport Only, Weakness, Wound
Provider Primary Impression
Provider Secondary Impression
Secondary complaintFree-text narrative of the patient's secondary complaint(s), as close as possible a quote from the patient
Secondary symptom nameSee Primary Symptom Name
Unit notified timestamp
Vital Signs: Blood pressure, Temperature, pulse oximetry, respiratory rate
Work relatedYes / No / Not Recorded

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North Carolina Poison Control (NCPC) Data Elements

North Carolina Poison Control (NCPC) is the designated Statewide Poison Control Center for North Carolina and certified as a Regional Poison Control Center by the American Association of Poison Control Centers.  NCPC is an emergency telephone resource of poisoning information, staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, by registered nurses and pharmacists (specialists in poison information) who are specially trained to provide diagnostic and treatment advice for acute and chronic poisonings to the public and healthcare professionals.
More information is available at

Data Element Description
Call Date and TimeDate and time of call to CPC
Call TypeCall type listed as exposure,  information or drug identification
Call Type CategorySubcategories for information call types
Caller CityCity where call was made
Caller CountyCounty where call was made
Caller Location CodeZip code or area code/exchange of caller
Caller SiteLocation of caller at initial call (residence, workplace, etc.)
Caller StateState where initial call was made
Caller ZipZip code where call was made
Case NumberUnique number for patient
ChronicityRecords exposure as acute or chronic
Clinical Effects9 categories of clinical effects (cardiovascular, dermal, gastrointestinal, hematologic/hepatic, neurological, ocular, renal/genitourinary, respiratory, and miscellaneous). Each clinical effect is recorded as no effect, related, not related, or unknown if related
Duration of EffectDuration of clinical effects
Exposure DurationDuration of chronic exposures
Exposure ReasonType of exposure if call type was an exposure call
Exposure SiteLocation of the patient when the exposure occurred
Final Health Care FacilityType of health care facility for patients transferred from the initial HCF to a second HCF
Follow up NumberNumber of follow-up contacts for each patient
Initial Health Care FacilityType of health care facility patient is in or referred to
Medical OutcomeFinal outcome of patient after final follow-up
Multiple Patients?Yes/No
Patient Age
Patient Age Group
Patient Gender
Patient Pregnancy DurationNumber of weeks pregnant
Product IDIdentifier for product involved in call
Related Case NumberCase number of primary case/call related to patient
RouteExposure Route: Aspiration, Bite, Dermal, Ingestion, Inhalation, Ocular, Other, Otic, Parenteral, Rectal, Unknown, Vaginal
Scenarios7 categories of possible exposure scenarios (dosing/therapeutic error, vapor/fume problems, child-resistant closure on product, access to product, confusion about product, pesticide problems, miscellaneous). Up to four scenarios can be selected per case
SubstancesInformation on all substances involved in exposure
Therapies2 categories of therapy provided (decontamination or other). Each therapy is recorded as not recommended, recommended, performed, recommended and performed, or recommended, known not performed.

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