Links to recorded webinars and training videos are posted below. Users can schedule one-on-one customized training at no charge. These are typically conducted via webinar. Please contact us at to schedule a session
Recorded Webinars and Training Videos
The ED Custom Search Report (October 22, 2024)
This video provides step-by-step guidance on using the ED Custom Search Report to develop and save your own queries of emergency department chief complaints, triage notes and/or ICD-9-CM / ICD-10-CM codes.
NC DETECT ED Custom Search Report Webinar Slides (PDF)
Tools for Local Firearm Injury Surveillance in NC (July 18, 2024)
This video provides an overview of the EMS data StoryMap and a refresher on how to access firearm injury data in NC DETECT.
Tools for Local Firearm Injury Surveillance in NC (PDF)
Using NC DETECT for Injury Surveillance (January 25, 2024)
This 43-minute video provides background on NC DETECT, best practices when using NC DETECT emergency department visit data for injury surveillance, and highlights Web application functionality using select injury indicators.
Using NC DETECT for Injury Surveillance Webinar Slides (PDF)
Using NC DETECT for Mental Health Surveillance (July 25, 2023)
Mental Health Surveillance Webinar Slides (PDF)
This 35-minute video highlights the use of NC DETECT ED visit data for mental health surveillance. We cover the public-facing mental health dashboard as well as dashboard, graph, table, line listing, and custom search reports in the web application.
Using NC DETECT ED Visit Data for Community Health Assessments and SOTCH (March 21, 2023)
This 26-minute video describes how to access annual data via public-facing dashboards on the NC DETECT website and via the NC DETECT Web app. Reports covered on the Web app include the table generator, peer county graph generator and the new Custom Search report that allows users to develop and save their own queries using keywords in the chief complaint and/or triage notes and/or ICD-9/10-CM codes.
Using NC DETECT and NC-VDRS for Firearm Injury Surveillance (February 21, 2023)
This 40-minute video describes the firearm injury indicators available in NC DETECT and provides examples of line listing, tabular and graph generator outputs available in the NC DETECT Web Application. Shana Geary from the NC Division of Public Health Injury and Violence Prevention Branch then demonstrates how to use the NC Violent Death Reporting System (NC-VDRS) Dashboard to access data on firearm-involved deaths.
Predesigned Dashboards (March 16, 2022)
This 10-minute video provides an overview of the predesigned dashboards now available at
Using NC DETECT for Overdose Surveillance (February 8, 2022)
This 26-minute video provides an overview of using the emergency department visit data in NC DETECT for overdose surveillance, with specific examples using the Line Listing, Graph Generator, Table Generator, and Peer County reports available at
Training Webinar (November 3, 2021)
This 35-minute video provides an overview of the Graph Generator, Table Generator and updates to the Line Listing report available at The Graph Generator is covered starting at the 2:45 mark, the Table Generator at the 18:05 mark and the Line Listing updates at the 28:15 mark.
Graph Generator (October 26, 2021)
This 10-minute video provides an overview of the Graph Generator available at This report allows authorized users to generate time series graphs and bar graphs across multiple years, with multiple options for grouping and stratifying the output.
Introduction to the upgraded NC DETECT Web Application (Updated August 27, 2021)
This 8-minute video introduces the upgraded NC DETECT Web application and features available in the Line Listing report. Additional functionality and training videos will be added to the new application in the coming months.
Using NC DETECT for Motor Vehicle Crash Injury Surveillance (February 16, 2021)
This 40-minute webinar shares tips on using emergency department and EMS data from NC DETECT for motor vehicle crash injury surveillance and also provides a brief overview of the North Carolina Crash Injury Surveillance System (NC-CISS). Note: The NC-CISS portion of this webinar was supported supported by the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control of the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) under award number CE16-1602. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the CDC.