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Launched in 2020, the CDC’s Firearm Injury Surveillance Through Emergency Rooms (FASTER) program has provided funding to 10 states, including North Carolina. NC-FASTER is a collaboration between the NC Division of Public Health Injury and Violence Prevention Branch, UNC-Chapel Hill’s Injury Prevention Research Center, and the Carolina Center for Health Informatics in the Department of Emergency Medicine. It provides surveillance data in near-real time on emergency department visits for nonfatal firearm injuries.

NC-FASTER helps address important gaps in timely data availability for nonfatal firearm injuries. Timely reporting at state and local levels through FASTER allows states and communities to detect surges in violence, understand trends in firearm injuries by certain demographic characteristics, and facilitate rapid and focused public health prevention and response.

NC-FASTER releases quarterly fact sheets with provisional data on nonfatal firearm injury related emergency department visits to inform the work of prevention and response partners across the state. More detailed information on NC-FASTER activities is available in the NC-FASTER Annual Data Reports.

For additional information not included in these reports, please contact Katie McDaniel, Injury Epidemiologist, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch, NC Division of Public Health at katie [dot] mcdaniel [at] dhhs [dot] nc [dot] gov.

Quarterly Reports

Annual Reports

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