NCPC Syndrome Definitions
The following syndromes are available for the NC Poison Control data received by NC DETECT.
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Syndrome | Case Defintion |
Acute Radiation Sickness | ((Cytopenia AND NOT Acidosis OR (NOT Cytopenia AND Bleeding (other) AND Erythema/flushed) OR (NOT Cytopenia AND NOT Bleeding (other) AND Nausea AND Muscle weakness AND Erythema/flushed) OR (NOT Cytopenia AND NOT Bleeding (other) AND Nausea AND NOT Muscle weakness AND Other AND Vomiting AND NOT Drowsiness/lethargy AND NOT Headache AND NOT Bronchospasm AND NOT Diarrhea AND NOT Hematemesis AND NOT Ocular - Irritation/pain AND NOT Hyperglycemia ) ) |
Benzodiazepine | Generic substance ID = 7000 and call type = exposure and age >= 11 |
Botulism-Like | clinical effect = muscle weakness; if no muscle weakness then look for nausea; if none of those then look for other; if none of those then look for abdominal pain |
Cardiovascular | Any of the following clinical effects: Cardio_Asystole Cardio_Bradycardia Cardio_Cardiac_Arrest Cardio_Chest_Pain Cardio_Conduction_Disturbance Cardio_Dysrhythmia_Other Cardio_Dysrhythmia_VTach Cardio_ECG_Other Cardio_Hypertension Cardio_Hypotension Cardio_Tachycardia |
Cocaine | Generic substance ID = 113000 and call type = exposure and age >= 11 |
COVID-19 Vaccine All | COVID-19 Vaccine Product Codes |
COVID-19 Vaccine Exposure | COVID-19 Vaccine Product Codes and call type = exposure |
Cyanide_Like | clinical effect = dyspnea; if no dyspnea then clinical effect of cardiac arrest, asystole or acidosis; if none of those then look for a clinical effect of other; if none of those then look for nausea or vomiting; if none of those then look for choke; if none of those then look for tachycardia; if none of those then look for dermal erythema; if none of those then look for dermal irritation |
Dermal | Dermal_Bullae Dermal_Burns_23Degree Dermal_Burns_Superficial Dermal_Cellulitis Dermal_Ecchymosis Dermal_Edema Dermal_Erythema_Flushed Dermal_Hives_Welts Dermal_Irritation_Pain Dermal_Necrosis Dermal_Pallor Dermal_Pruritus Dermal_Puncture_Sting Dermal_Rash |
Fentanyl | Generic substance ID = 200628 OR 200634 OR 200638 OR 200637 and call type = exposure and age >= 11 |
Fever | Misc_Fever_Hyperthermia |
Food Products / Food Poisoning | Any call with a substance category of food products / food poisoning |
Fumes/Gases/Vapors | Any call with a substance category of fumes/gases/ vapors |
Gastrointestinal | Gastro_Abdominal_Pain Gastro_Anorexia Gastro_Blood_Rectum Gastro_Constipation Gastro_Dehydration Gastro_Diarrhea Gastro_Dysphagia Gastro_Esophageal_Injury Gastro_Esophageal_Stricture Gastro_Fecal_Incontinence Gastro_Gastric_Burns Gastro_Hematemesis Gastro_Ileus_No_Sounds Gastro_Melena Gastro_Nausea Gastro_Oral_Burns Gastro_Oral_Irratation Gastro_Oropharyngeal Gastro_Throat_Irritation Gastro_Vomiting |
Hematologic/Hepatic | HemeHep_Astalt_High HemeHep_Astalt_Low HemeHep_Bilirubin_Increased HemeHep_Cytopenia HemeHep_DIC HemeHep_Hemolysis HemeHep_Other_Coagulopathy HemeHep_Other_LFT_Abnormal HemeHep_PTProlonged |
Loperamide | Generic substance ID = 550000 and call type = exposure and age >= 11 |
Methamphetamine | Generic substance ID =201127 and call type = exposure and age >= 11 |
Nerve Agent | (Excess secretions OR Dyspnea OR Irritation/pain (ocular) OR Lacrimation OR Headache OR Vomiting) AND (abdominal pain OR diaphoresis or urinary/fecal incontinence) AND (coma OR seizure OR muscle weakness) AND (miosis or tremor) AND (acidosis OR tinnitus OR burns) |
Neurological | Neuro_Agitated_Irritable Neuro_Ataxia Neuro_CVA Neuro_Coma Neuro_Confusion Neuro_Delusions Neuro_Diz_Vertigo Neuro_Drowsy_Lethargy Neuro_Dystonia Neuro_Fasciculations Neuro_Headache Neuro_Intra_Bleed Neuro_Muscle_Rigid Neuro_Muscle_Weak Neuro_Numbness Neuro_Paralysis Neuro_Periph_Neuropathy Neuro_Seizure_Multiple Neuro_Seizure_Single Neuro_Seizure_Status Neuro_Slurred_Speech Neuro_Syncope Neuro_Tinnitus Neuro_Tremor |
Ocular | Ocular_Blurred_Vision Ocular_Burns Ocular_Corneal_Abrasion Ocular_Irritation_Pain Ocular_Lacrimation Ocular_Miosis Ocular_Mydriasis Ocular_Nystagmus Ocular_Papilledema Ocular_Pupil_Nonreactive Ocular_Red_Eye Ocular_Visual_Defect |
Opioid | Generic substance ID = 310048 OR 310047 OR 310046 OR 310054 OR 310053 OR 310052 OR 72700 OR 201063 OR 72704 OR 72702 OR 72703 OR 310042 OR 310041 OR 310040 OR 72713 OR 72691 OR 72694 OR 310060 OR 310059 OR 310058 OR 310066 OR 310065 OR 310064 OR 41700 OR 41707 OR 41706 OR 41718 OR 41691 OR 41694 OR 200634 OR 550000 OR 310070 OR 310076 OR 37780 OR 37782 OR 310071 OR 310077 OR 200625 OR 200626 OR 37701 OR 310072 OR 310078 OR 200635 OR 200627 OR 200628 OR 37702 OR 200629 OR 200630 OR 201066 OR 200631 OR 37707 OR 37703 OR 37704 OR 200636 OR 310087 OR 310086 OR 310085 OR 41712 OR 37708 OR 37705 OR 200632 OR 78701 OR 200638 OR 200637 OR 310141 OR 200633 OR 201131 and call type = exposure |
Opioid Antagonist | Generic substance ID = 16037 and call type = exposure and age >= 11 |
Organic Mercury | Clinical effect = neuro_ataxia AND (Neuro_Periph_Neuropathy OR Ocular_Visual_Defect OR Misc_Deafness ) AND (Neuro_Periph_Neuropathy OR Numbness OR Slurred Speech or Dysphagia) |
Radiation Injury / ARS | (Cytopenia OR (Rash AND NOT Pruritus AND NOT Hives/welts AND Necrosis) OR (Rash AND NOT Pruritus AND NOT Hives/welts AND NOT Necrosis AND Erythema/flushed AND Dermal - Irritation/pain ) OR (Rash AND NOT Pruritus AND NOT Hives/welts AND NOT Necrosis AND NOT Erythema/flushed AND Burns (superficial)) OR (NOT Rash AND Muscle weakness AND (Bullae OR Burns 2 - 3 degree ) ) ) |
Renal | Renal_Creatinine Renal_Failure Renal_Hematuria Renal_Hemo_Myoglob Renal_Oliguria_Anuria Renal_Oxalate_Crystals Renal_Polyuria Renal_Unrinary_Retention Renal_Urinary_Incontinence Renal_Urine_Color_Change |
Respiratory | Resp_Arrest Resp_Bronchospasm Resp_Cough_Choke Resp_Cyanosis Resp_Depression Resp_Dyspnea Resp_Hypervent_Tachypnea Resp_Pneumonitis Resp_Pulmonary_Edema Resp_XRay_Findings |
Synthetic Cannabinoids | Generic substance ID = 200617 and call type = exposure and age >= 11 |